Young Rising Stars Topbill Southern Cross Soloists Two-Part Concert in Kenmore

Southern Cross Soloists
Photo Credit: Jonathan Henderson/Southern Cross Soloists

Eager for a wonderful night of music? On two Sundays this December, the internationally acclaimed chamber ensemble, Southern Cross Soloists (SXS), will hold a concert series at the Church of Christ on Brookfield Road in Kenmore as top-billed by eight emerging musicians with impressive abilities.

Expect a delightful night listening to classical music as played by the Sunrise String Quartet, clarinetist Dario Scalabrini and flautist Katya Willett. 

But joining them are the next generation of solo artists who will present their fresh and energetic interpretations of music from the Baroque period and compositions from J.S. Bach, Mozart and Mendelssohn, as well as some contemporary original Australian works. 

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They are Helena Wang, Dario Scalabrini, Julia Hill, Rory Smith, Liam Mallinson, Ann Carew, Jemima Drews, Francis Atkins and Katya Willett.

Photo Credit: Facebook

These rising stars are mentored by Southern Cross Soloists flutist Jonathan Henderson, who also heads the SXS Next Gen Artist program.  

“The Next Gen Artists is a platform for young emerging musicians, many of whom will go on to establish orchestral, chamber, and soloist careers both in Australia and abroad,” Mr Henderson said.

“This will be one of the first concerts this year for many of them. With performances put on pause due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Next Gen artists are very much looking forward to playing for a live audience.

“Beyond playing high level chamber music, their responsibilities extend to the production side of the series. They are heavily involved and have the opportunity to experience planning these events from both back and front of stage. It’s an enormous learning curve for most and they will come away with real-world skills that will serve their musical careers beyond university life.”

Tickets reservations to this two-part concert are via Event Brite:

Sun., 13 December 2020
4:00 pm – 5:30 pm AEST
Featuring Julia Hill, violin / Liam Mallinson, viola / Jemima Drews, flute / Rory Smith, celloBUY TICKET
Sun., 20 December 2020
4:00 pm – 5:30 pm AEST
Featuring Katya Willet, flute / Dario Scalabrini, clarinet / The Sunrise Quartet: Helena Wang, violin / Ann Carew, violin / Liam Mallinson, viola / Rory Smith, celloBUY TICKET