Speed Limit on Brookfield Road Reduced

Photo Credit: Google Streetview

The Council will finally cut the speed limit on Brookfield Road to 50km/h, nine years after the community petitioned for its reduction. The new speed limit, down from 60kmh, will take effect by the year-end as pavement markings and other signs and safety measures have yet to be set in place.

Pullenvale Councillor Kate Richards confirmed the speed limit reduction on Brookfield Road in a press statement. It comes after a hearing with the community, which also involved parents of the students attending the Brookfield State School.

Apart from enforcing the new 50km/h speed limit, the Council plans to install the following features along Brookfield Road and the stretch of Boscombe Road, where the school is located:

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  • Speed Awareness Monitors (SAM), before school term one in 2020
  • Two flashing Horse Crossing Ahead signs, projected for early 2020
  • Pedestrian crossing near bus stops and between Brookfield and Boscombe Roads, subject to consultations and availability of funds

Unfortunately, Cr Richards said that Brookfield State School “did not the criteria for a school zone,” which commonly has a 40km/h speed limit. 

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Photo Credit: chuttersnap/Unsplash

Brookfield Road is a downhill slope, which makes it easier for motorists to speed. During the summer season, the cast of the western sun makes the road stretch quite difficult to see. Council is making these changes in the interest of public safety. 

“We are committed to actions that improve safety for all road users and will continue to deliver projects to make Brisbane an even better place to live,” said Cr Richards.