Kerbside Collection: When Will Pick-Up Resume in Kenmore & Surrounding Suburbs?

Kerbside Collection
Photo Credit: PxHere

After more than a year’s hiatus, kerbside collection service will be restarting in July 2021. Here’s what residents of Kenmore, Kenmore Hills, Brookfield, Pullenvale and Fig Tree Pocket can expect.

After releasing the budget for the 2021-2022 financial year, Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner confirmed that kerbside collection will be back one year earlier than planned. 

In April 2020, Mr Schrinner suspended the operations for at least two years, or until July 2022, to direct the service’s expenses to Council’s other initiatives. Despite the unpopular decision, Council used the funds to help struggling small businesses and community groups as a result of the pandemic lockdowns. 

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“We will start with the suburbs where it was paused…we’ll go back there and then start again in the normal way,” Mr Schinner said in announcing the service’s return.

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Here’s the updated kerbside collection schedules for the following suburbs:

Kenmore Hills
26 July 2021
Fig Tree Pocket
02 Aug 2021
* Schedules are updated continuously as needed.

Prior to the updates, some residents informed Pullenvale Ward Councillor Greg Adermann that Kenmore, Kenmore Hills and Brookfield should be among the first suburbs to restart the service after they saw Council’s page showing a different date.

Photo Credit: Screengrabbed from Council’s official site

“[Kerbside collection] was paused on 3rd of April 2020, not May,” said a local, Ben Ponting, on Mr Adermann’s Facebook page. “Brookfield, Chapel Hill, Kenmore and Kenmore Hills were due to start 27th April 2020.” 

“Kenmore was supposed to have their kerbside collection in April 2020 yet the new schedule says Kenmore is only getting kerbside collection in June 2022,” Melinda Waldeck said. “Since kerbside collection was paused in March 2020, if the statement about the starting in July with the suburbs where it was paused is correct then Kenmore should be scheduled to have kerbside collection in August 2021. Kenmore’s last kerbside collection was April 2019, so if we aren’t scheduled until June 2022 it will be over 3 years between collections!” 

Cr Adermann was quick to reassure concerned locals and updated them about the situation.

“After receiving a large number of enquiries from local residents, I made enquiries which confirmed that the scheduled services to these areas were postponed just before they were due in April 2020, meaning they should have been among the first to receive a collection upon the resumption of kerbside collection,” he pointed out.

“To Council’s credit, they acknowledged this oversight and today agreed to my request to amend the collection schedule … Council’s website has been amended to reflect these changes,” he added.

Meanwhile, Brisbane residents are encouraged to check the list of items that are acceptable and not acceptable for kerbside collection so that nothing will be left behind by their kerb. Uncollected and improper disposal of household wastes could lead to an illegal dumping fine.