A three-storey split-level childcare centre occupying three lots may soon be built along Moggill Road in Kenmore if the development application receives the green light from Council.
The Kenmore Childcare Unit Trust wants to build a new childcare centre for 125 children along 1067, 1075 & 1079 Moggill Road. The facility will cover 888 square metres of ground floor area and will have a large outdoor play centre.
The proposal details changes to a previously submitted plan. Acoustic fencing and attractive landscaping will be reinforced across the boundaries as detailed in DA A006159171. An existing house will be demolished as a result of the development.
The plans also include the construction of an under-croft open car parking site for at least 30 car parking spaces. Access to the facility will be via Moggill Road but a pedestrian path via Cedarleigh Road will be incorporated into the construction.

The childcare centre planners underscored that a previous proposal was originally submitted in 2020 as it “supports the needs of the surrounding community.” However, design changes were made and submitted in 2022 to expand the plans to suit a growing need within the Kenmore neighbourhood.
Some residents, however, have expressed objections to the proposal citing congestion on Moggill Road.
“For most of the day the road is busy; at peak times it is one of the slowest into the city in the morning/outbound later in the day. Around Kenmore there are two schools (OLR and Kenmore State) with associated extensive local car usage, which exacerbates the traffic congestion. I cannot believe anyone would imagine that the addition of a childcare centre on this already busy road would be sensible,” one local wrote in the DA’s submissions.
“A number of new Child Care centres have been opened in the last couple of years and each one has resulted in a larger number of vacancies, threatening the ongoing viability of the existing childcare centres and kindergartens in the area. This indicates that another childcare is not needed in this area,” another resident said.
The development application is still under review with Council and the State Assessment and Referral Agency (SARA).