Be A Wildlife Keeper at Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary in Fig Tree Pocket For A Day

Photo credit: Kids and Places Australia

If you’re looking for ways to keep your kids learning and having fun at the same time during this school holiday, then you might want to head on over to the Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary in Fig Tree Pocket.

On the 10th of January, you can have your kids be Junior Keeper for a day at the sanctuary. There are three Junior Keeper Programs for your children:

  • Junior Joeys (5-7 year olds)
  • Senior Serpents (8-11 year olds)
  • Teen Keeper (12-17 year olds)

Each program is kept to small groups only to ensure that each child will be able to interact and learn.

Each child will have the chance to experience being a wildlife keeper from preparing food for the animals and feeding down down to cleaning and maintenance as well as training and other enrichment activities.

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This program is only available during school holiday periods so make sure that you sign up your kids now! It will be a great experience and one not likely to be repeated until the next holiday break.