The Glenleighden School Starts Construction Of New Campus Building

The Glenleighden School in Fig Tree Pocket has commenced the construction of a new building and associated site infrastructure, in keeping with its campus master plan.

Read: Locals Weigh In On Intersection Upgrades at Fig Tree Pocket & Kenmore Road

Speech and Language Development Australia (SALDA), the organisation that runs Glenleighden had a sod-turning ceremony in October 2021 to mark the campus’ much-awaited expansion.

The school has been given a streamlined, considered whole-of-government response on a request for community-supporting infrastructure by the State Government through a Ministerial Infrastructure Designation (MID-0221-0483) in September 2021.

The Glenleighden School Campus Master Plan

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The Master Plan includes the construction of a three-storey GLA Building and associated site infrastructure at the existing school. Demolition works and tree removal will be undertaken for the new building. 

In November 2021, the school received $2.55 million worth of Federal Grant through the Australian Government’s Capital Grants Program (CGP), to part fund the construction of the second building in The Glenleighden School master plan.

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“This building will provide new specialist facilities for food and hospitality, design technology and ‘engineering’; particularly important for us to deliver new Year 11 and 12 certificate courses,” The Glenleighden School announced on its website.

“It will also provide three contemporary classrooms, several small group support rooms as well as a rooftop outdoor sports space,” the school added.

The $60 million worth of upgrades will provide up to extra 120 additional spaces over the next two years. 

The project is expected to run for approximately 9 months. Hours of construction will take place between 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on weekdays and on Saturdays if required. Depending on weather and construction conditions, it should be complete by June 2022.