Why Are Residents Split Over An Approved Proposal on Moggill Road?

An application to establish a service station at Moggill Road has drawn mixed reactions among local residents. 

The approved proposal of Wessel Petroleum involves the development of a service station at 2250 Moggill Road, Brookfield. The building will cover a gross floor area of 287sqm with a maximum height of approximately 5.86 metres.

The development will also provide 13 car parking spaces including one disability parking space, as well as 10 car spaces in the refuelling canopy area and two staff spaces.

Moggill Road service station site aerial view
Photo credit: Brisbane City Council / developmenti.brisbane.qld.gov.au

The application also proposes the “rectification of the illegal earthworks” performed by its previous owner to “reinstate the flows in the waterway” as well implement substantial revegetation and rehabilitation of the subject site.

Approval Granted

Brisbane City Council approved development application A005600514 in late November 2021 citing, among other reasons, that the proposal undertakes reasonable measures to avoid and mitigate potential impacts the development will cause on biodiversity, as well as protect aquatic habitats, water quality, fish passages, and downstream fisheries.

Moreover, the proposal includes a Rehabilitation Management Plan involving mitigation measures and site rehabilitation including weed management, ecological reconstruction, revegetation, and rehabilitation of degraded minor watercourse.

Moggill Road service station development plan
Photo credit: Brisbane City Council / developmenti.brisbane.qld.gov.au

Photo credit: Brisbane City Council / developmenti.brisbane.qld.gov.au

Local Dissent

The proposal elicited 251 submissions with a majority expressing their opposition citing several reasons including potential ecological impacts, traffic congestion, and the lack of need for such a development. 

“This is too close to Moggill Creek and too close to the major water pipeline. We do not need another petrol station in the district.” – S.

“There are so few Platypuses left in our city area please don’t sign the death knell on these and other wildlife in the creek zone. Financial gain for a few are not worth the long term cost to the environment and the quality of life in the Brookfield area.” – G.S.

“Moggill Road is already congested and Council/State Government can’t seem to do anything to remedy this situation. This development will only add to the traffic congestion and risk of accidents with the coming and going of cars in and out of the service station.” – Anonymous

Photo credit: Brisbane City Council / developmenti.brisbane.qld.gov.au

There are, however, those who support the plan as they feel that competition will help bring down fuel prices. Others welcome the development because it will answer the need for more service stations in the area.

“Fuel prices along Moggill road are consistently higher than typical Brisbane pricing. More competition is needed.” – Anonymous

“In my opinion this development provides two things. Competitive tension in the fuel retail business in the area and an alternative to Moggill and Kenmore fuel stations. In addition, a fuel station will provide a “safe haven” and refreshment stop for cyclists in the area or those enroute to Mt Crosby and Ipswich. An excellent use for this land provided all environmental needs are addressed.” – Anonymous

“There is a definite need for this kind of business along the main western commute. Kenmore facilities are constantly busy, contributing to existing traffic issues and the closest station is then either brookfield or karana downs which is some 15kms away.” – Anonymous