Kenmore South State School Parents Outraged Over Possible BYOD Program Rollout Next Year, Plans to Boycott Underway

Parents of Kenmore South State School are outraged over the rollout of the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) program, which will start next year. When this project rolls out, parents will have to pay $1000 per child to be on the program.

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Their Concerns

The main concern of the parents is how prolonged use of technology can affect their children. They also said that they weren’t properly consulted about this. In fact, an online petition was made, which garnered 125 signatures.

The online petition details the parents’ take on the BYOD program. It details how everything seems rushed and introducing such a significant change in the teaching process can affect children’s learning adaptabilities. They also said that the staff at KSSS haven’t discussed the educational benefit of the use of BYOD.

Also according to the parents, the school hasn’t provided enough details regarding the program such as what happens to the parents who choose not to participate in the program. They also worry about the health effects of excessive screen time to their children.


Not Against The Use of Technology

KSSS parents made it clear though that they are not against the use of technology for learning but what they are against is the excessive use of it especially for younger ones. They are seeking proper consultation from the executives of the schools.


KSSS Keeps Mum

However, a recent update on the petition said that the KSSS hasn’t responded to their concerns and is proceeding with the BYOD program. There has also been requests from the person who started the petition online for parents to boycott the program.

They school says that they held consultations with parents regarding the BYOD program, on the 25th of July.

Photo credit: Elanora State High School

Not A First In the West

This isn’t the first school that has gained negative feedback in the West. Rainworth State School in Bardon also experienced adverse feedback and some resistance over the rollout of a similar program to its students from Year 4 and up. Executives of RSS engaged a consultant to work with parents after complaints.

Also Read: Bardon’s Rainworth State School One-to-One Laptop Program For Year 4 Students & Above Draws Concerns From Parents