Every month, Kenmore Library hosts several events and workshops for kids and adults. This month, learn different sets of skills from the upcoming workshops in the library including craft workshops, photo editing, writer’s workshops and more.
Check out the list below to see the events happening in Kenmore Library this June.
Library E-books for Android and iPad
Tuesday, 5 June 2018 (1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.)

Learn how to get access to hundreds of free online ebooks and audiobooks from Brisbane’s libraries right at your own device. Ideal for young adults to seniors, this Brisbane Libraries Tech Connect workshop will teach you how to set up your iPad or Android tablet to read or listen to online library content.
Don’t forget to bring your own device, library card, and necessary information such as Apple or Google Play Store account and email account details.
Basic device skills are needed and bookings are required. Call the Kenmore Library on 07 3407 0258 to reserve your spot.
First Wednesday Book Club
Wednesday, 6 June 2018 (10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.)
Open for young adults to seniors, read, discuss and debate a fine selection of books with a friendly group in this book club.
Bookings are not required for this free event.
English Conversation Group
Thursday, 7 June 2018 (10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.)
Open for learners of all levels, this friendly and informal group meets at the library every Thursday morning. Visit the library and make new friends while improving your English.
Bookings are not required for this free event.
Lord Mayor’s Writers in Residence Series: Meet Josepha Dietrich
Thursday, 7 June 2018 (6:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.)

Join Josepha Dietrich as she discusses her memoir, In Danger. Books will be available for purchase on the night or you can bring your own copy from home for Josie to sign.
In Danger is one woman’s powerful story of how her mother’s death saved her life. It explores Josie’s journey through life with breast cancer from inside the experience. At its heart, this inspirational memoir delves deep into how it feels when everything you love is in danger.
This event is free. Book online at Eventbrite or call the library 07 3407 0258 to reserve your place.
Kenmore Craft Group
Friday, 8 June 2018 •(9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.)
Share your current project with fellow crafters at the informal Kenmore craft group. Bring a piece you’re working on and share ideas with other crafty people over a cup of tea.
Bookings are not required for this free event.
Simple Photo Editing
Tuesday, 12 June 2018 (1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.)
This Brisbane Libraries Tech Connect workshop will teach you how to organise your photos, make simple changes to digital photos before printing, and create your own photo books. You can bring your own photos or use sample images provided.
Basic computer and internet skills are required for this workshop.
The event is free but booking is required. Call Kenmore Library on 07 3407 0258 to reserve your place.
Kenmore Writers’ Group
Tuesday, 19 June 2018 (1:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.)

Ylanite Koppens / pexels
Need some inspiration and support for writing? This writing group offers a creative and constructive environment for you to share your love of writing and develop your writing skills.
Bookings are not required for this free event and new members are welcome to join.
Android Skills One
Tuesday, 19 June 2018 (1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.)
Ideal for first-time users, this Brisbane Libraries Tech Connect workshop will teach you how to use the basic features of an Android tablet. Explore apps, connect to Wi-Fi and search on the internet.
Don’t forget to bring your own Android tablet.
This event is free and bookings are required. Call Kenmore Library on 07 3407 0258 to reserve your place.
Before You Hit Send: a Social Media SOS for Parents + Tweens + Teens
Tuesday, 19 June 2018 (6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.)
Join Rebecca Sparrow, online columnist, podcast host and author, as she walks parents and students through the social media landscape teaching the audience how to have a more positive experience online.
From finding your tribe and building your emotional resilience to household internet agreements and privacy settings, she will explain how following a few simple rules will increase your child’s chances of having a healthier relationship with their beloved devices and a more positive experience online.
This event is free and bookings are required. Call Kenmore Library on 07 3407 0258 to reserve your place.
Garden Design One: Getting Inspired and Getting Started
Saturday, 23 June 2018 (11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.)

Get ideas and inspirations on how to design the garden of your dreams. Presented by landscape architect and horticulturist Arno King, you discuss the issues to consider, and the steps to make your dream garden a reality in this workshop.
This event is free and bookings are required. Call Kenmore Library on 07 3407 0258 to reserve your place.
Android Skills Two
Tuesday, 26 June 2018 (1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.)
Learn more about your Android tablet in this follow up workshop from Brisbane Libraries Tech Connect. Customise your tablet by organising your apps and adjusting basic settings and discover how to find and download useful apps on the Google Play Store.
Don’t forget to bring your own Android tablet and Google Play Store account details.
This event is free and bookings are required. Call Kenmore Library on 07 3407 0258 to reserve your place.
Last Friday social club: Bring back beautiful butterflies to our backyards
Friday, 29 June 2018 (10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.)
Learn more about how to promote biodiversity in your garden in this workshop with Helen Schwencke, author of Create More Butterflies. This workshop will teach you how to encourage butterflies and wildlife by selecting butterfly host plants, including tips for urban environments.
This event is free and bookings are required. Call Kenmore Library on 07 3407 0258 to reserve your place.