The government’s Container Refund Scheme (CRS) has been encouraging Brisbane residents to recycle in exchange for money. However, residents from the west side would need to find an alternative as the planned Kenmore container deposit site did not materialise.
To stop residents from the west side having to drive a little farther, Kenmore Rotary has stepped in with local partners to organise collection points in the Kenmore area.
Kenmore Rotary has established collection points at two locations:
- Ewaste Connection, 98 Brookfield Rd, Kenmore Hills
- Pullenvale Marketplace, 8 McCaskill Rd, Pullenvale
By leaving your containers at those two drop-off points, all funds raised will go to good causes as Kenmore Rotary members donate their time to raise money for worthy causes.
Before the CRS started in November 2018, Kenmore was one of the suburbs where a container deposit facility was planned. Unfortunately, the charity behind the initially proposed site did not push through with their plans when the refund initiative started. This means that the nearest container refund points are the Envirobank site at Jindalee Home Centre and Re.Turn-it site at Salvos, Sherwood.
Container Exchange, the organisation responsible for developing and running the container refund scheme in Queensland, and its operator Return-It are still looking for other solutions to cater to residents from Kenmore. They are hopeful that more deposit sites will be available once more operators get onboard.
Container Refund Scheme
Credit: Queensland Environment/YouTube
CRS is one of the government’s programs that promote the recycling rate in Queensland whilst reducing the amount of drink containers that are littered everywhere.
Queensland calls its container refund scheme as Containers for Change. This program provides people with an incentive to collect and return eligible containers for recycling, in exchange for a 10 cent refund payment.

Eligible containers include most aluminium, glass, plastic, steel and liquid paperboard beverage containers between 150ml and 3L. Containers that are NOT eligible for a refund include the following:
- plain milk containers
- glass containers which have contained wine or pure spirits
- large containers (1L or more) which have contained flavoured milk, pure juice, cask wine or cask water
- cordial or vegetable juice containers
- sachets above 250ml which have contained wine
- registered health tonics.
Take note that all containers smaller than 150mL and bigger than 3L will not be eligible for a refund.

Read more about the container refund scheme through the Containers for Change website.