Free, Federally-funded Coronavirus Testing Clinic Now Open in Kenmore

A Federal Government Respiratory Clinic is now offering coronavirus testing at Kenmore Clinics, for people who are showing mild to moderate COVID-19 symptoms.

One of six government-subsidised facilities, the Kenmore testing clinic offers free service, as do the other clinics in Nundah, Logan, Morayfield, Burleigh Waters, and Alexandra Hills in assisting patients with mild to moderate respiratory symptoms.

Who Should Go

Kenmore Clinics stresses that the federal respiratory clinic is “…only for people with mild to moderate respiratory symptoms.”

In Queensland, people who have one of the following symptoms may be tested: fever (or a history of fever) OR acute respiratory symptoms (cough, sore throat, shortness of breath).

Here is a link to the COVID-19 Quiz.

“If you are unwell and you meet the … criteria, you should contact a doctor immediately. Your doctor will decide if you need to be tested for COVID-19,” the clinic website says.

In a bid to alleviate concerns about infection from other patients in the clinic, Kenmore Clinics is quick to assure the public of their precautionary measures. “We have a separate entrance so they are separate from our other patients, and they exit out the back. It is completely safe for other patients,’’ they assured people.

What to Do

Located at Suite 6, 2081 Moggill Rd in Kenmore, the clinic is open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on weekdays only. Bookings can be made via HotDoc by selecting “free GP respiratory appointment” or through the Kenmore Clinics website, or by phoning 3363 1699.

When booking an appointment, people are advised to call ahead and share their symptoms so that the clinic can prepare for their visit.

While waiting for the results of the test, patients are advised to self-isolate. Here are some FAQs and a guide on self-isolation. Currently, test results take 24 to 48 hours to be released.

The doctor will typically call with the test results.  “If your results are negative then you no longer need to self-isolate; however, depending on your illness and symptoms you may be advised to continue remaining at home until you are completely well.”

If the results are positive, patients are advised to continue isolation.  All positive results are managed by the government’s Public Health Unit.

Children can be affected too. Here is a video on explaining the coronavirus to children.