Have you ever heard of a job that doesn’t cause an undue amount of stress or burnout? How about one with an unlimited supply of cuddles and love? At Kenmore, there is one job that fits the bill.
Jobs For Dogs in Kenmore is a dog walking service in the West that helps dog owners provide their dog with regular physical, socialisation, and mental stimulation. Not all dog owners have the time to take their dogs for a walk amidst work and other commitments, which is why this service is available for everyone in the western suburbs.
Dog walks are conducted in stimulating natural environments in the following suburbs:
- Chapel Hill
- Kenmore
- Kenmore Hills
- Brookfield
- Pullenvale
- Bellbowrie
- Newstead
- Moggill
- Indooroopilly
- Fig Tree Pocket
- Taringa
- Bardon
- Auchenflower
- Red Hill
- Paddington
- Milton
- Toowong
- Saint Lucia
Jobs for Dogs offers various services such as nature walks and play dates. Recently, the founder, Heidi Flaxman, has put out an ad announcing that they are looking for a new staff member. Since her announcement, a massive influx of applications has come flying in. Everyone seems to want the job! This is not surprising given that being with these four-legged furries a couple of hours a day can really calm the mind, body, and soul.
Ms Flaxman started Jogs for Dogs in Canberra over ten years ago, when she merged her twin passion for dogs and jogging, and her lifelong crusade for health and fitness.