Petition for Full Bus Services for Western Areas of Pullenvale Ward Launched

Petition for Full Bus Services for Western Areas of Pullenvale Ward Launched

A petition has recently been launched, calling for full bus services covering Karana Downs, Mount Crosby, Lake Manchester, Anstead, and the surrounding areas through a contracted delivery arrangement.

The petition has so far gathered 1,499 signatures and support is growing. State funding support for the proposed public transport services to western areas of Pullenvale Ward is also being sought from various sectors.

“Queensland residents draw to the attention to the House, that there are currently no contracted bus services provided by the State Government to the suburbs of Karana Downs, Mount Crosby, Lake Manchester, Kholo, Anstead and surrounding areas, within the Brisbane Local Government Area,” the petition said.

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“Your petitioners, therefore, request the extension of the State Government’s service area for contracted public transport, and provide dedicated state funding for such bus services in these suburbs, with the contracted delivery to be undertaken by Brisbane City Council.”

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Personalised Public Transport
Personalised Public Transport | Photo Credit: Cr Greg Adermann / Facebook

Councillor Greg Adermann said that due to the lack of bus services in these areas, Council has resorted to providing Personalised Public Transport (PPT) services instead. These Black and White maxi-taxi services provide residents with a low-cost means of transportation in areas where Translink services are limited including Karana Downs and Mount Crosby.

“If we can convince the Queensland Government to support this, it will enable Brisbane City Council to be contracted to deliver such bus services to your suburb,” Councillor Aderman explained.

The online petition closes on 3 November 2022. To sign the petition, click the link here.