My passion to help people live healthier lives brings me into direct contact with a broad range of physical issues and ways to help them. This includes feedback from regular customers at Amcal+ Pharmacy in Kenmore.
In one such recent conversation, David, a regular customer from Kenmore Hills, told me about how he had been suffering from very low energy, mediocre sleep and lack of mental clarity until a year ago.

So many of us feel there are not enough hours in the day. We run from one thing to the next until we fall into bed at the end of the day. It is estimated that 1.5 million Australians see their doctor about fatigue.
There can be many reasons for fatigue, such as medical, lifestyle choices, work-place related, and emotional concerns. There are many ways that you can help yourself to combat fatigue.

When it comes to lifestyle factors, there are a few things that can be considered. On average an adult should be getting 8 hours sleep a night, yet many people don’t make this a priority. Also, a lack of exercise and a poor diet can affect our ability to deal with stress and can lead to fatigue.
Rhodiola and Ashwagandha Against Fatigue
In David’s case, his research unearthed two supplements that were getting strong reviews. He bought both at our store and started to take them based on the recommended dose on the container.
“Initially I just took Rhodiola and I was amazed at how it gave me a boost of energy and mental clarity for several hours, my productivity improved dramatically it felt like I now had a lot more capacity to work my brain,” David said.

Rhodiola rosea is a herb that grows in the cold, mountainous regions of Europe and Asia.
A study by Anghelescu et al found that Rhodiola offered a comprehensive treatment of stress symptoms. The study also found that the herb can prevent chronic stress and stress-related complications. Another 11 studies were conducted, of which 8 found that Rhodiola enhanced physical performance and eased mental fatigue.
David continued: “Then I started to try Ashwagandha and frankly the feeling that gives you is not easy to describe other than to say something that would have caused me great stress before now feels easily manageable, the feeling of wellbeing and optimism lasts for several days for me after taking one small capsule.”

(Photo credit: Wowbobwow12 at English Wikipedia [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons)
There are studies that show Ashwagandha helps make your body more resilient by significantly improving your body’s ability to deal with stress and anxiety. One study showed that through the use of Ashwagandha, their cortisol levels decreased by 28%. Cortisol is a hormone that increases when the body is responding to stress.

At Amcal+ Kenmore, our team is trained in knowing what supplements suit common ailments and conditions. There are also many products that combat unusual ailments as well as target general wellbeing. The science of living healthily is evolving rapidly and embracing it can bring many health benefits to our daily lives.

Peter Jones is the owner of Amcal+ Pharmacy Kenmore and he has over 10 years experience as a pharmacist. Peter has a special interest in skincare and is passionate about helping the local community.
You can find Amcal+ Pharmacy Kenmore at Shops 33/34, 9 Brookfield Rd, Kenmore QLD 4069, Australia.