Students from Kenmore and across Brisbane participated in a #ClimateStrikes protest staged at Sandgate Road held on the 3rd of May 2019 in Albion. The school strike was just one of the 75 strikes that were held across Australia organised under the School Strike 4 Climate.
The School Strike 4 Climate’s series of strike was a follow-up to the global school strike held last 15 March participated in by 150,000 young individuals and their supporters.
The recent strikes were held at Federal MP offices in Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Canberra, Perth and Hobart, as thousands of students turn out to call for climate leadership.
“May 3rd is our last chance before the election to push politicians to commit to real, meaningful action on climate change. We, students, are leading this fight – but everyone will be affected, and so we invite the whole community to get involved in urging our politicians to show the climate leadership we need,” Kenmore State High student and one of the student organisers, Sara McKoy said.
“Climate change is one of the biggest problems facing the world
School Strike 4 Climate
and it isn’t being addressed quickly enough.”
School Strike 4 Climate are calling politicians to take action to meet their demands: stop the Adani coal mine; no new coal, oil, and gas projects; and 100 percent renewable energy by 2030.
“We are school students from cities and towns across Australia. Most of us have never met before but are united by our concern about our planet.
“We are striking from school to tell our politicians to take our future seriously and treat climate change for what it is – a crisis,” the School Strike 4 Climate website said.
Why Stop Adani?
The Carmichael thermal coal mine and rail project by Adani Mining is set to be the largest coal mine in Australia and of the largest in the world. The Adani thermal coal mine project, to be built north of the Galilee Basin in Queensland, has been a controversial one and met a series of legal challenges, causing its six-year delay.
Despite the project’s claim of economic benefits, environmental groups, activists, and civilians have strongly opposed the development because of its potential environmental impact.
“Critically, if allowed to go ahead, Adani’s Carmichael coal mine will unlock the Galilee Basin – one of the world’s largest untapped coal deposits – paving the way for at least eight more coal mines to be built. All in a time when the world knows it must be walking away from coal and investing in clean energy.”
#StopAdani Movement
#StopAdani movement said that if built, Adani’s Carmichael thermal coal mine and rail project will:
- Destroy the ancestral lands, waters and cultures of Indigenous people without their consent.
- Allow 500 more coal ships to travel through the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area every year for 60 years.
- Get access to 270 billion litres of Queensland’s precious groundwater for 60 years, for free.
- Risk damaging aquifers of the Great Artesian Basin.
- Add 4.6 billion tonnes of carbon pollution to our atmosphere.