Kenmore Sees Bridge and Pedestrian Upgrades

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Work has begun on two bridge and pedestrian upgrades in Kenmore. The upgrades will be seen at Katunga and Akuna streets.

The upgrades have been a fund of $1.75 million that will help existing bridges bordering Cubberla Creek Reserve, Moggill Rd, the sports fields at the reserve and the Centenary Bikeway. Wider and stronger bridges along with bike-friendly handrails will be placed. There will also be new footpaths to connect the said bridges.

The Katunga Street bridge upgrade will see the stabilisation of the creek bank, the removal of the existing bridge structure, new bridge foundation, the installation of a concrete pedestrian and cycle bridge, modification of the existing guardrail and the reconstruction of the footpath and road sections to tie in with the new bridge.

Once this is done, the bridge will be three meters wide, following the standard width for a pedestrian and cycle bridge.

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While the Akuna Street bridge upgrade will follow the same procedures, it will be 3.6 meters wide when it is finished due to its role in the existing bikeway network.

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The Katunga Street Bridge is expected to be complete in mid-2017, whilst the Akuna Street Bridge completion will be completed towards the end of 2017.