Kenmore, Brookfield, Pullenvale Kerbside Collection Coming Up : Tips For Movers & Crawlers

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The next few days will be busy for Kenmore, Pullenvale and Brookfield residents, as kerbside collection day draws near. With the 8th of May just a few days away, Brookfield and Pullenvale residents should by now be on the homestretch of sorting, packing and deciding what to throw away. For Kenmore residents, the 15th of May is collection day.  All unwanted items by the kerb a weekend before the kerbside collection date.

For crawlers, as the day of reckoning for these suburbs draws near, now would be a good time to check the kerbsides for some potentially great finds.

Start Packing NOW

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Starting now and packing little by little before the kerbside collection date will be far less stressful than trying to do everything in one day.

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Save Up on Boxes

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Why don’t you head on over to a local store and ask if you can get some of their boxes? Plus points if you’re a regular… or maybe, you just know the owner.





When in Doubt, Kerb It Is!


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If you’re doubtful if you should put an item out by the kerb, then most probably, you should. If you have not used it for ages, and it’s just gathering dust in your house, you should probably get rid of it.


Keep It Tidy

Pile your items out neatly! Just because it’s going to get picked up doesn’t mean it has to be such a mess. Pile up boxes neatly, put trash/plastic bags together, and for heavy items, organise them in a way that scavengers and the collectors wouldn’t have a hard time getting an item.

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There’s a Pile Limit!

Before you make a mountain out of your stuff, remember that there’s a pile limit. The Brisbane City Council will not collect piles larger than two cubic meters. So ease up on the items!

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Acceptable and Non-Acceptable Items

BCC will also not collect unacceptable items. Check out the list here to find out what items you can and cannot put by the kerb.

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A week before the Kerbside collection date, scavengers will also be roaming around the streets, looking for items that they might find useful. If you’re planning on doing this, mind your manners.

Some tips for scavengers:

Have a Vehicle Ready

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You might find some huge items that you can use or even if you’re only getting small items, it is best to have a vehicle ready to make the whole scavenging process so much easier.




Don’t Mess It Up

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Make sure that you leave the pile tidy once you’re done with it. Don’t just rummage through it and leave it once you get what you need. Have some courtesy.



Never Break Anything

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Be careful when going through other people’s trash. Those items may be unwanted, but that doesn’t give you the right to break them up, or make a mess on the kerb. Handle the items with care.



Whether you’re putting stuff out for kerbside collection or you’re simply on the hunt for kerbside items, observe proper behaviour. Proper manners during this time will definitely go a long way.