Funding Commitment for Kenmore Roundabout and Everton Link Park Road Announced

Photo credit: Google Street View /

The notorious Kenmore roundabout is now a step closer to getting its much needed fix with the announcement of a $12.5-million commitment from the State Government.

“The Palaszczuk Government will invest $3.3 billion in transport and roads projects across Brisbane over the next four years, with some of that funding going towards fixing the Kenmore Roundabout as part of our plan to invest in better suburban roads,” Transport and Main Roads Minister Mark Bailey said.

“Not only is it a gateway to growing communities further west, the roundabout sits between a school, shops and the entrance to the increasingly busy Kenmore Village shopping centre.

“The volume of traffic passing through it today demands action and that is what the western suburbs will get with this upgrade”  he said.

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Funding Commitment for Kenmore Roundabout and Everton Link Park Road Announced
Photo credit: Google Earth

The planning study that looked into the upgrade project has been completed and the preferred option to replace the Kenmore roundabout has been identified. The upgrade option includes a redesigned intersection with traffic lights, as well as safety improvements for cyclists and pedestrians at the Moggill and Brookfield Roads intersection.

The State Government funding commitment will match the Federal Government’s $12.5 million commitment, bringing the total amount committed to the project to $25 million. The next step is for the State Government to seek agreement from the Federal Government on the project’s next steps, including the timing for the design and construction.

Also,  Mr Bailey announced that tenders for the construction of the  $26 million Everton Park Link Road — linking South Pine Road, north of the Kedron Brook Creek, to Stafford Road, east of Mountridge Street — are now being sought. 

The project is stage one of a two-stage plan aimed at improving traffic flow and safety at the intersection of Stafford and South Pine Road.