Experience and Celebrate Community Spirit at the 2019 Brookfield Show

The annual Brookfield Show is back! Experience and celebrate the community spirit by participating in the activities to be held at the Brookfield Showground, located 5.3 kilometres from Kenmore, from Friday, the 17th of May 2019 to Sunday, the 19th.

The event, hosted by the non-profit Brookfield Show Society Inc., will actually mark its opening with the announcement of the winners of the Art, Children’s Art and Crafts, Photography, Sculpture, and Woodwork contest on Thursday night. This competition was participated in early April by students from Brookfield State School.

Sculpture, and Woodwork contest on Thursday night. This competition was participated in early April by students from Brookfield State School.

Then the next morning at 9:00, the pavilion will open its doors to the actual activities of the Brookfield Show with the Equestrian Events. There will be more fanfare in the afternoon, such as:

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  • Rodeo
  • Sideshow entertainment
  • Live Music (at the Member’s Bar)

The Brookfield Show will also have a session for riders with disabilities, which will be introduced for the first time at this year’s event.

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Saturday and Sunday’s activities, on the other hand, will feature more entertainment and exhibits at the pavilion. Sections will be divided into the different show as well as arts and crafts competitions.

There will also be a dog show at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday.

To know which exhibits you can visit, check out this map from the organizers.

Photo Credit: Brookfield Show Society Inc {Official Page}/Facebook

The Brookfield Show will end on Sunday at 10:00 p.m. You may get tickets for adults, children and family via the official website.