Churches of Christ Community Centre in Kenmore Continues to Get Backlash From Residents

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The new Churches of Christ Headquarters in Kenmore just can’t really catch a break. Residents around the area seem appalled at how it’s shaping up. Apparently, they didn’t expect the building to be “so modern” and many consider it to look out of place in the suburb. There are other issues as well that have been raising eyebrows among the locals.

Last year, residents were complaining about how the whole construction process of this development seemed so disorganised. In fact, it was described as literally a “messy work-in-progress.” The development had brought in roadwork and footpath closures that adversely affected traffic around the area.

Now, as the Churches of Christ community centre slowly begins to take shape towards the end of its stage two completion, residents are shocked at how big it is turning out to be. The centre will house a 350-seat auditorium, a 75-seater cafe, and over 240 car spaces. Many say that its modern aesthetic makes it unseemly in a suburb that for the most part is not so modern.

According to one resident, at night, the centre is so well-lit that it’s hard to miss. The loss of trees to pave way for the development has also increased road noise by reducing sound cover. She also said that they didn’t understand how it would look like when it was proposed, hence their surprise now.

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The nearby roundabout is also a cause for worry as it is anticipated that more vehicles will use this once the centre is finished, which can take longer travel time to get through it at school leaving time.

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The acting chief executive of Churches of Christ David Swain said that their design and construction adhere to the development approval and the topography of the site. Mr Swain said that they are about to begin landscaping soon which will add more greenery to the area. To address the traffic issues, he said that there will be a new turning lane into the campus and the driveway to improve the flow of traffic.