Road safety report: Easter Break – Day 5

A man and a woman have died south of Maryborough on the final day of the 2017 Easter Road Safety Campaign, with the road toll for the holiday period at two.
At 3.15pm, a car was travelling northbound on the Bruce Highway when it hit a vehicle travelling southbound, six kilometres north of Tiaro yesterday.
A teenage boy was airlifted to the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital in a critical condition, and two men and a woman were transported to hospital in a serious condition.
More than 4300 motorists were detected speeding on Easter Monday, including a motorcyclist who was allegedly travelling at 225km/h in a 100 zone on the M1 through Loganholme.
Other high-range speed detections on Day 5 of the Easter Break campaign include:
• 223km/h in a 110 zone on the Bruce Highway through the Glass House Mountains;
• 190km/h in a 70 zone on Nicklin Way in Warana;
• 150km/h in a 90

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Road safety report: Easter Break – Day 4

Extra police are out in force today across Queensland road networks as motorists travel home on the last day of the Easter long weekend.
More than 3,700 motorists were detected speeding on Easter Sunday including a motorcyclist who was allegedly travelling at 183km/h in a 100km/h zone on the Sunshine Motorway.
A 25-year-old Wellesley Island man has been charged with drink driving, driving unlicensed and failing to stop for police after being intercepted by police on Dijinkiya Streett on Mornington Island around 11pm last night.
The man had allegedly stopped his vehicle in the middle of the road but started driving off when officers approached the vehicle.
The man then allegedly provided a BAC of 0.252, more than five times the legal alcohol limit.
He is due to appear in the Mornington Island Magistrates Court on May 9.
Other high-range speed detections on Day 4 of the Easter Break campaign include:
• 187km/h in a 110km/h zone

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Road safety report: Easter Break – Day 3

A 25-year-old man from Western Australia had his driver’s licence immediately suspended and has been charged with high range drink driving after being intercepted by police in Cairns late last night.
Around 10.30pm, police intercepted a Subaru station wagon on Spence Street in the Cairns CBD after Cairns City Safe operators alerted them to a possible drink driver. It will be alleged the driver of the vehicle returned a BAC of 0.174.
The 25-year-old man is due to appear in the Cairns Magistrates Court on May 8, 2017.
More than 3,000 motorists were detected speeding on Easter Saturday, including one driver travelling in the Airport Link Tunnel at 150km/h in an 80km/h zone.
Other high-range speeding offences include:

172km/h in a 110km/h zone on the Pacific Motorway, Gaven;
151km/h in a 100km/h zone on the Pacific Motorway, Loganholme;
147km/h in a 100km/h zone on the Pacific Motorway, Loganholme;
137km/h in a 100km/h zone on the Leichhardt Highway, Goondiwindi.


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Road safety report: Easter Break – Day 1

A motorcyclist has been detected allegedly travelling almost 200km/hour on the Bruce Highway on day 1 of the Easter Break phase for the Queensland Police Service’s Road Safety Campaign.
The motorcycle was snapped yesterday by a speed camera on the Bruce Highway at Landsborough doing 193km/hour in a 110 zone.
There were more than 3,400 vehicles detected speeding and over 11,000 RBTs (Random Breath Tests) performed with 41 people charged with drink driving.
A 22-year-old Sunset man was charged after allegedly returning a BAC (Blood Alcohol Concentrate) of .273% in the carpark of a fast food outlet at Mount Isa just before midnight.
Police also attended two serious traffic crashes, one at Peak Crossing around 5.50pm where a ute and truck collided on Warrill View Peak Crossing Road.
The 18-year-old male driver of the ute was airlifted in a critical condition to Princess Alexandra Hospital.
A 54-year-old male pedestrian has also received life-threatening head injuries after

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Police hit the road for high-vis Easter safety blitz

Police will be out in force right across Queensland’s expansive road network today as part of a high-visibility safety blitz ahead of Easter.
Road Policing Command Assistant Commissioner Mike Keating said today’s high-visibility operation was designed to send a strong message to road users.
“The Thursday before Easter – particularly the afternoon – is one of the busiest periods on our roads,” Assistant Commissioner Keating said.
“It’s a time when people spend many hours behind the wheel to get to their holiday destination – so with more people on the roads, travelling longer distances, unfortunately the risk of a serious crashes increases.
“That’s why we will be staging officers from the Road Policing Command in high-risk areas across the state – including major highways.
“Our officers will out there actively enforcing the speed limit, conducting breath tests and checking licences.
“Anyone travelling on the state’s highways today can expect to see police. We know from our

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Brisbane Boys’ College Scottish Highland Gathering

On Sunday March 26, the Brisbane West Crime Prevention Unit along with the Brisbane West Crime Stoppers Committee and Volunteers in Policing had the pleasure of spreading the word on community safety at the Brisbane Boys College Scottish Highland Gathering.
There were many Pipe Bands, Highland Dancers, Drum Majors, Scottish Stalls and food and drink at the free event.
The Queensland Police Service Juvenile Police Pipe Band proudly represented the Queensland Police Service on the day coming second in the Juvenile Grade. First place went to Brisbane Boys College and third place to Scots PGC College.

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Easter road safety campaign launches as school holidays kick off

Wet conditions will be the biggest threat on Queensland roads as we launch our new road safety campaign to coincide with Easter school holidays.
The campaign, launched earlier today, is urging motorists to drive to conditions and check for road closures before leaving home.
Road Policing Command Assistant Commissioner Mike Keating said extra officers would target the Fatal Five over the school holiday period with a high visibility presence on the roads.
“There will be an increased police presence on the State’s major road networks over the next three weeks, with officers maintaining high visibility in order to discourage the contributing factors of road trauma,” Assistant Commissioner Keating said.
“The 2015 Easter holiday period was the worst year on record for fatalities on our roads. Then 2016 was the best year yet. We’re hoping to replicate the positive result this Easter and would encourage everyone to remain vigilant and make wise decisions on our roads.”
The current

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School closure information

Parents be advised that ALL state, Catholic and Independent schools from Agnes Waters to the NSW border including Metropolitan, North Coast and South East Regions are CLOSED today.
For updated information listen to ABC radio or visit

For the most up to date information go to –
— AnnastaciaPalaszczuk (@AnnastaciaMP) March 29, 2017

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