Penalty infringement notices for breaches of Chief Health Officer’s directives

Queensland police now have the option to issue on the spot fines for breaches of Chief Health Officer (CHO) directions to support community efforts to reduce the spread of COVID-19.
An integral part of the Queensland Police Service’s (QPS) response is to ensure compliance with directions particularly around self-isolation, mass gathering, borders, non-essential business activity and now private residence gatherings.
From yesterday, officers now have the option of issuing infringement notices in appropriate circumstances.
Under the direction, homeowners or persons in control of a residence must not allow more than ten people to be present at the residence at any one time and to take reasonable steps to encourage occupants of and visitors to the residence to practise social distancing as much as possible.
This does not apply if more than ten people are present who ordinarily live at the residence.
During the implementation of this new compliance option officers will

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