Next week, little zombies, ghosts and witches will take to the streets for Halloween trick or treating.
We understand that not everybody celebrates this fang-tastic night, so we have created some posters that you can display on your door or in a prominent position at your home, indicating whether or not you welcome trick or treaters, or don’t wish to be disturbed.
Click here to download a colour copy of the trick or treaters are welcome here sign, or click here for black and white.
Alternatively, click here for the no thanks poster.
While we all love a good scare, the Queensland Police Service wants to remind community members to creep it real and ensure the safety of children is top priority.
To make sure your Halloween doesn’t become a nightmare, trick or treaters should:
Be accompanied by a trusted, responsible adult monster at all times;
Always walk, not run, between houses and stick to the footpath rather