Crime prevention reminder

On May 22, the Queensland Police Service launched a new crime campaign, aimed at changing Queenslander’s perspectives towards property crime.
The campaign has used mixed media including the 360° format and flyers on social media to put users in a criminal’s perspective and point out every day behaviours which can increase the likelihood of Queenslander’s falling victim to opportunistic crime.
I would like to take this opportunity to remind you of some security measures you can take to help secure your property.
Vehicle security:

Park in well-lit and highly visible areas
When parking in a garage, ensure both the garage and vehicle are locked and the garage door remotes are secured
Consider installing a car alarm or steering wheel lock
Consider installing a remote engine immobiliser which meets Australian standards
Consider installing GPS tracking to your vehicle
Remove all valuables and personal items when leaving your car unattended, or ensure that they are out of sight

Home security:

Ensure doors are

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