Police from the Inner West Patrol Group are advising residents that thieves have within the past 5 days targeted a number of residential dwellings and businesses in the following Inner West suburbs:
Residential Dwellings
Moggill: Rise Place
Indooroopilly: Glencairn Avenue, Finney Road, Aragon Street, Almeid Street
Kenmore: Akuna Street, Rialanna Street
Toowong: Brisbane Street
Bardon: Rainworth Road
Achenflower: Payne Street
St Lucia: Highland Terrace
Chapel Hill: Nankoor Street
Taringa: 2 x Moggill Road
The majority of these breaks have occurred between the hours of 8am and 8pm.
The thieves are mainly stealing laptops, wallets, handbags, jewellery, cash, game consoles or vehicles from these locations.
Thieves are generally using such methods to enter residential dwellings as entering/climbing through unlocked/open doors, windows and garages or forcing/smashing doors and windows.
Some of these offences have been “sneak breaks” and occurred whilst the residents were at home.
Police have increased patrols in your area and residents are encouraged to be vigilant, appropriately secure their homes, storage areas and vehicles,