Kenmore South State School adopts their new cop

On Monday, September 3, Kenmore South State School officially adopted and welcomed in their new Adopt-a-Cop, Constable Charisse Marnock from the Indooroopilly Police Station.
During the adoption ceremony ‘Constable Charisse’ (as she will be known to her school’s community) and the school were each presented with a formal certificate of adoption by the Acting Officer In Charge of Indooroopilly Police Station, Acting Senior Sergeant Michael McGahan.
Constable Charisse said she had joined the program to help build and foster a positive relationship between police and junior members of the community.
She is looking forward to actively participating in school activities and is excited to be part of their extended family.
Inner West Police wish Constable Charisse all the success in her new role as the official Adopt-a-Cop for Kenmore South State School!
Police additionally would like to thank the Kenmore South State School for warmly welcoming Constable Charisse into their community and participating in the Adopt-a-Cop program.
Kenmore South State School’s Principal and School Captains with Acting Senior Sergeant McGahan and Constable Charisse

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