Thieves targeting Inner West residential underground garages

Police are advising residents of Inner West residential units and apartment blocks, (particularly in the suburbs of Indooroopilly and Taringa), that thieves are currently targeting vehicles and property located in residential underground and communal residential garages.
The offenders are gaining access either through unsecured garage doors or by following a vehicle into the garage, once the door had been remotely opened.
Once inside the offenders target both unlocked and locked vehicles by simply opening an unlocked door or forcing entry to locked vehicle, to steal visible valuable and attractive items such as wallets, handbags, mobile phones, laptops, cash, garage remotes etc.
The offenders are also stealing bicycles and other attractive items located within garage storage areas.
Police are urging residents to reassess their garage security, by utilising the following tips:

Close any communal doors that are open or unattended.
Don’t prop doors open, including internal and external garage doors.
Don’t lend garage keys or remotes to anyone.

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