Launch of new QPS motorcycle marking and jackets

Today I, along with other Queensland Police Service (QPS) motorcyclists, attended the state-wide launch of new motorcycle markings, in conjunction with new high visibility jackets being issued to QPS motorcyclists.

One of the primary strategies of Road Policing Command, which operates the QPS motorcycles, is high visibility. High visibility policing, enhances community safety and compliance with road rules by encouraging road users to undertake responsible road use.
Having all QPS motorcyclists on high visibility motorcycles with high visibility jackets, maximises this strategy through a highly mobile enforcement capability.
Today is also the first day of Summer 2017, and this launch helps to promote the clear message of road safety for all road users at the start of the holiday season.
As an operational officer I’m excited about the opportunity to utilise this new style jacket for several reasons (and who doesn’t like getting new gear?). I believe the new designs will increase my personal

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